Role as a Superpower
The SEO Guru
Fun Fact
I secretly race cars next to me at stoplights (and they never know I'm winning)
Hiking and exploring nature—I love going to the mountains as therapy
Favorite Food or Drink
Biryani "I secretly compete with myself to find the perfect bite in biryani—just the right ratio of rice, spices, and meat. It’s like a treasure hunt on my plate!"
Life Motto/Quote
Make my parents proud, make myself prouder
Meet the team
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The Lord of the Leads
Fun Fact
I’d rather spend a quiet night at home than go out, but I’ll never turn down a good home-cooked meal
Online shopping
Favorite Food or Drink
Street Food and Soda, lots of soda
Life Motto/Quote
Thy will be done
Meet the team
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The Google Rescuer
Fun Fact
Love to listen to music all day long
I love reading (fiction or life-related books) and learning new things like guitar or piano
Favorite Food or Drink
Fish or chicken stew paired with fried fish and rice
Life Motto/Quote
Do not worry and trust in God
Meet the team
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The Optimization Technopathy
Fun Fact
I prefer savory meals to sweet treats
Spending time with my family
Favorite Food or Drink
Pizza and apple juice
Life Motto/Quote
It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop
Meet the team
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The Full-Stack Web Wizard
Fun Fact
I also stack snacks on my desk
Hiking and sleeping
Favorite Food or Drink
BBQ pizza
Life Motto/Quote
Stay positive, work hard, make things happen
Meet the team
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The Automation Ninja
Fun Fact
I have a knack for being late, even when I live just around the corner
Spending time with kids, video games and occasional tech repairs
Favorite Food or Drink
Pork sinigang and chicken curry
Life Motto/Quote
Never stop learning
Meet the team
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The Swiftie Reputation Mom
Fun Fact
Can't live a day without my boys and can't go on with my day without Taylor Swift's song—HAHAHA
Swiftie fangirling, traveling domestically, being a mom
Favorite Food or Drink
Strawberry, adobo, chocolates
Life Motto/Quote
People are going to judge you anyways, so might as well do what you want - Taylor
Meet the team
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The Reputation Rockstar
Fun Fact
Cleaning the bathroom/toilet is my favorite household chore
Sleeping :)
Favorite Food or Drink
Pineapple fruit and pineapple juice
Life Motto/Quote
Tomorrow is another day :)
Meet the team
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The Content Baddie
Fun Fact
I don’t know how to swim
Crime podcasts and mystery shows
Favorite Food or Drink
Life Motto/Quote
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. — J.K. Rowling
Meet the team
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The Growth Alchemist
Fun Fact
I like to jump in freezing cold water to start my day
I enjoy hanging out with my family and playing pickleball
Favorite Food or Drink
My mom's spaghetti
Life Motto/Quote
All men are created equally, some work harder in preseason
Meet the team
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The Captain Relationship
Fun Fact
I'm a Foodie Dog Parent. Guess my dog's's Biscoff!
Night Rider Extraordinaire – I love biking through quiet streets at night with a quick coffee stop
Favorite Food or Drink
My Starbucks go-to: Pure Matcha Latte with extra white mocha sauce and sub breve milk. Hot and venti for a Matcha-better day!
Life Motto/Quote
Ask with faith, seek with hope, knock with courage—for what is meant for you will be given.
Meet the team
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The All Rounder VAbe
Fun Fact
I have to give hugs & kisses to the dogs upon waking up— otherwise I'll have to listen to them bark non-stop.
Going to cafes, lazing around, and enjoying silence & good coffee
Favorite Food or Drink
Biscoff cheesecake
Life Motto/Quote
You deserve what you tolerate
Meet the team
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The Chaos Orchestrating Officer
Fun Fact
I can count to 12 in 6 languages
All things yoga, beach, photography, food, and deep existential conversations
Favorite Food or Drink
Pasta, sushi and SWEETS!
Life Motto/Quote
Life is short, do more of what makes you happy